
The typical build up of the extensive type comprises of the FLW-400 root resistant membrane, the VLS-500 protection and water retention membrane, the DiaDrain-25H drainage board, the VLF-150 geotextile membrane, the lightweight SEM plant substrate of thickness 0.08-0.20 m and low vegetation such as perennial herbaceous plants, ground cover plants, wildflowers, succulents etc. The plant material creates a permanent ecosystem that requires little maintenance. DiaSafe drop protection systems must be fitted to green roofs that are accessible only by service crews and where the safety railing is <1 m, in accordance with the Minimum Safety and Health at Workplace (Modifying) Legislation Regulations of 2002-2004 (PI 174 / 2002-494 / 2004).
Extensive type–indicative projects:
- Four Season Astir Palace Hotel
- Canaves Oia epitome
- Agemar office building
- Gennadi Grand Resort
- Surgical operating room at Evangelismos General Hospital
- Leroy Merlin
- Hellenic American Educational Foundation
- Management organization unit of development programmes MOU S.A.
- Piraeus Port Authority (PPA)
- Eleon Grand Resort & spa
- Costa Navarino Bay
- Depot of the electrical buses company